merideth bray carballal
My artwork primarily consists of acrylic and mixed media painting on canvas, which I create sculpting applied texture with palette knives. Painting is secondary. These works can best be described as distressed, detailed, textured, super textured. I firmly believe there's no such thing as too much texture.
Materials of choice include various crackle pastes, all degrees of molding pastes, gouache, wax, ink, and fluid acrylics. ​All paintings are hand sculpted and hand brushed with extreme attention to detail
My paintings reflect a lifetime fascination with urban decay, peeling/cracking paint, rust, and distressed surfaces. I love searching through the tiniest details, finding hidden gems on objects as simple as a brick. My inspiration as an artist comes from this fascination, and many of my paintings attempt to recreate images I've captured over the years.
Some of my favorite works look like they've been thrown off a balcony which I think is fantastic. Others are more user friendly and equally fantastic. Original pieces have made their way all over the country, above sofas, beds, nooks & crannies, even pianos,. Gratefully purchased by kindred spirits who will appreciate them as much as I do.